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Teacher spanks student

Decade: 1920's

Genre: Porn

Niche: Brunette Stockings Spanking Hairy Busty

Description: Strict female teacher punishes naughty student in front of her classmate, spanking the girl's delicious round ass. Too involved in the process, professor can't stop now, and punishment slowly turns into caressing. It would all end well if newly-minted lovers were not nabbed by the principal. Now sexy teacher is about to be punished herself for abusing her powers!...[read more]

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Spanking punishment

Decade: 1940's

Genre: Porn

Niche: Brunette Blonde Stockings BDSM Spanking

Description: Whatever the girl did wrong, she is punished rather cruelly. Former girlfriends tie her down and lay her on the bed. Humiliating spanking is the first and the best idea thet comes to their minds. But don't think poor thing has no guts to fight back. Probably she'll revenge her offenders, and it might also happen that all three of them will enjoy the action to much to stop...[read more]

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Hot Movies
Genre: Erotica
Decade: 1930's

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This maid is so dirty! Instead of cleaning up her master's place she totally neglected her duties and decided to have some fum. First of all, young girl took her dress off and stayed in the apron only. She drank a glass of grape that was left on the table and sat on the armchair to read a newspaper... Then she totally forgot all the shame and started to please herself!
Genre: Porn
Decade: 1930's

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If girls planned it to happen, they would get dirty first and then take a bath together, but it went other way round. Clean and out of steamy water, they got each other all sweaty again, in the most desirable and pleasant way.
Genre: Porn
Decade: 1920's

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Actors in fancy costumes act characters of Faust and Gretchen in a fun vintage porn. Of course there are no philosophic dialogues, not a single one. But something that the audience which the movie was aimed for would find most interesting. Perennial questions like "What position?" or "Who is gonna top?", that is much more fascinating.
Hot Photos
Genre: Porn
Decade: 1940's

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Genre: Porn
Decade: 1950's

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Genre: Porn
Decade: 1910's

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Niches Movies Photos
Anal 12  
BDSM 18 81
Blonde 111 110
Bondage 7 399
Brunette 224 421
Busty 80 44
Blowjob 192 26
Ebony 15 4
Facial 18 2
Fetish 18 9
Group 128 83
Hairy 239 18
Lesbian 50 132
Lingerie 23 200
Masturbation 42 18
Strip 9  
Public 26  
Spanking 15 60
Straight sex 89 78
Stockings 121 136
Toys 49 30
Our Retro Archive
Decade Movies Photos
1900's   332
1910's 13 687
1920's 58 1068
1930's 126 2444
1940's 79 6096
1950's 107 2079
1960's 63 54
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